A downloadable game for Windows

Well, well, well, hello dear internet user! Today (or any other day) you have a chance to be amazed by the fact that even the most boneheaded can learn how to code if try hard enough. This small game was made by me with a help of chat gpt. No code was generated,  but he was a huge help for me: telling me where the tools in unity are and why I shoud use one method and not the other and so on, so on. And, well, you can play it. 


wasd - walk around

mouse - shoot

q/e - less/ more firerate 

shift - run

space - big boom (you have no idea how proud I am to actiualy figuring out how to do stuff like that)

Thanks everyone, hope to upload something in the future!


Кошка стрелять Update 1.0.zip 33 MB

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